CrackDoku -  Easily Solves Soduku Puzzles - #vercelhashnode project

CrackDoku - Easily Solves Soduku Puzzles - #vercelhashnode project


5 min read

Soduku is one of the world's hardest game ever. Sudoku is a logic-based, combinatorial number-placement puzzle. In classic sudoku, the objective is to fill a 9×9 grid with digits so that each column, each row, and each of the nine 3×3 subgrids that compose the grid contain all of the digits from 1 to 9. Solving a hard soduku needs good patience, time, effort and most important skill.

So, I made a well-efficient app that could solve the world's hardest soduku puzzles in a matter of seconds.



Crackdocu is the name of the project, I and my friend Nikhil made. It is an awesome soduku solver web app. It is so fast and it could also give you multiple answers to the same puzzle . It has really appreciatable UI and has no annotations. It also checks whether your puzzle is correct. Solves any sodoku puzzles.

Live Demo / Github Code



  • Very Fast
  • Reminds, if the given sodoku has repeating characters
  • Gives multiple answers to the same puzzle
  • Good UI and minimal animations

Live Demo:
Github Code:


Soduku is one of the world's hardest games and solving sudoku requires a lot of patience and time. There are no good sudoku solvers available on the web and I thought there should be an app that could solve any sudoku puzzles. Fast and Easy

How I built it

I built the project's frontend on HTML, CSS, and Javascript. Also used PHP for the backend. No other libraries were used. The project has a backend so Nikhil hosted the app and then I used an Iframe and hosted the app with Vercel. I designed a dark mode UI for the app on Figma. We coded the app together and I focused on the frontend and Nikhil worked on the backend.

Tech Stack

  • PHP
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Javascript

Accomplishments that I'm proud of

I am really happy to solve a big problem that the world is used to. I am happy that I could create a very good UI and functionalities and also got a good buddy for the backend purpose. Really grateful to hashnode for giving us this opportunity.

What I learned

I was not at all using GitHub and he asked me to create it and start using it. I did a crash course on Github and yeah, he is the one who inspires me. I just had a basic understanding of Javascript, I just know a little. Nikhil helped me to learn more in the topic and he itself gave the Idea of the project. I am happy that I could boost my front-end skills.

What's next

To be honest, we have no idea what to build up next because the app is now in its best form and has many functionalities. If you guys have any idea, just give a comment. I'd be happy to develop them. Thanks


The app is on Github. Feel free to add an issue or a Pull Request

The project is licensed under MIT

Wrapping Up

I hope you enjoyed the app's functionalities and the job it does. Type your suggestions and feedbacks in the comments. I'd be happy to hear them.

This is my first article on hashnode

Enjoy your Day 🍻